Ya Allah...this is 2nd time i have a flu infection..skt tekak..headache & seangkatan dgnnye sjak keje kt office baru...My Boss said just now...u xsrasi kt cni kot..i pun batuk xhilang² da 2 bulan..jom kite pindah from this Ministry nk?wah..My Boss bg suggestion...tp ade btl gak ckp My Boss tuh..before this sy jarang skt...tp sjak transfer here almost 2 months..every month i have this situation...xsuke tau...ssh nk wt kj..nk deal ngn org...klu org call rs cm xmo angkat..sore sengau..shit!mukus asyik nk meleleh jerk...pastu batuk...sampai rs cm xmo ckp ngn sp²...
Smalam da tido umh baru ngan adek²n Momoi..lena gler tido...msg² kepenatan..walhal sy je yg sibok kemas rmh...xpela..kasi chance kt dorg...Pagi td mmg sgt malas utk ke office...tp gagahkan diri jgk sb sy seorg pekerja T________T
Ok la..gtg..da xlarat nk type...soksek² dr td......doakan sy baek² ye...bubye..
♥ A.I.N.A ♥