Salam & Hello peeps...
Ari ni Jumaat...
Malam tadi malam Jumaat...(ehhh..ooopsss)
Sronok ber'window' shopping ngn officemates kt Alamanda...
And i TERbeli spasang wedges!
Dan bkn i je malahan kwn² i juge...
Sronok sb dpt disc 20% if we buy any 3 items there...
So ape lagi i gune kuase veto soh dorg rembat jgkla!
Ok skng merujuk kpd tajuk entry di atas ye...
Antare design KEK KAHWIN yg menjadi idaman dlm kotak minda stakat ni...
It's so simple...
I like the ♥ !
Puteh berseh + pink flower!
Ouwhhh sgt suke yg ini!
So anyone can help me to find the best bakery?
Silalah bantuuuu....