31 October, 2011

║ ♥ 9.10.11 >>> rEcEpTiOn ♥ ║

Salam & hye peeps,,,

Kali ni i nk review ape yg berlaku on 9.10.11,,,
Sgt ssh nk decide tarikh utk kedua² majlis actually,,,
So kate sepakat maka tarikh tersebut dipilih,,,
9.10.11 >>> senang nak ingat kan?
Bile org tny i, "bile tarikh kawen Aina"
I jawabla "9.10.11"
Org tu pun m'balas, "mak aiii, sampai 3 ari ko buat!"
Gimik smate²,,,
Majlis diadakan di Dewan Sri Siantan, Perbadanan Putrajaya,,,
Alhamdulillah dah sebulan sy bergelar isteri,,,
 Pengalaman yg sukar dicari ganti,,,
BB + cermin mmg xlpas dr tgn hokey!
Pastu mule bising penat jwb cl,,,
Bayangkan, still angkat phone yg berkaitan dgn kerja ye!
Huh, sgt xsesuaiiii,,,

Moment yg paling sy nantikan!

Perakan masuk ke dewan & menuju ke pelamin,,,
Diiringi 2 org budak perempuan comel + 2 org pengapit,,,

Kehadiran teman² tersayang,,,

Ex - officemates yg xpernah dilupekan,,,

Kehadiran DRNC bersame pegawai²,,,
Walaupun penat menghadiri pelbagai majlis di beberapa tmpt,,,
Bos i tetap melapangkan mase utk ke majlis i,,,

Disebabkan xnak membazir,,,
I gunekan lebihan kad jemputan di setiap meja tetamu,,,

Si cilik ini membuatkan hati teruja nak beranak cepat!
Mudah² an dpt kembar mcm dorg,,,

Our OP,LensaHitam

Bukan stakat snap all the pictures,,,
They served us with this fresh idea!
Photo guestbook!
Once u signed, they snap your photo & it will be there too!
Nice idea kan?

Inilah hasilnye!
Senang utk ingat tetamu² yg hadir,,,
Yelah,kdg² ade tetamu yg name same kan?
So dgn care ini, kite dpt tgk  muke dorg,,,

Very recommended them!
So silalah contact mereka ye,,,

30 October, 2011

• AhAd Yg BoHsAn ! •

​السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه hujung mgu u & hye u olls,,,

Bosan tahap maksima bile hujung minggu dihabeskan di rumah,,,
Tapi ade jgk yg bestnye,,,
Bile tgk debu sini,lap,,,
Tgk kotor sane,amek kaen,bersehkan,,,
So yg bestnye di hujung minggu bile tgk rumah berseh!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

27 October, 2011


​السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه & hye u olls,,,

Br plan cantek pny!
Nak balik sharp on 5pm,,,
Lastly,kul 4.30 ptg paper utk Cabinet Meeting esk br smpai,,,
Huh,dgn hati yg sayu pergi daku ke pejabat Lembah Pantai,,,
Ketibaan disambut dgn hujan lebat!
Lagilah sayu hati,,, ;-(
Bekerjalah dgn ikhlas wahai Aina!
Yaaa,sy sronok dgn kj sy!
Till then u olls,,,

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

25 October, 2011

|| 011011 - SaTuRdAy ||

Salam & hye u ollsss,,,,

Trying hard to review little bit about my engagement + solemnization,,,

Date : 011011 (Saturday)
Time : 11.00 am
Venue : Home Sweet Home @ Raub, Pahang
Theme : Blue Pink (but not in the tone that i want)


Ntah kenape langsung xrs gusar ke kecut perut ke, sesak napas ke ape ke,,,
Just relax, x runsing ape² pon,,,
Normal kah begitu?
Disebabkan kami mmg xpernah bertunang & merancang utk bertunang beberapa tahun/bulan sebelum dikahwinkan,,,
A month before, we olls & family decided nak wt majlis tunang² ni mase ari nikah,,,
So merase jgkla kami bergelar tunangan selame 10 minit!hi²,,,
Lpas habeh sesi sarung cencen oleh bakal ibu mertuaku (mase tu lah), trus kami disajikan dgn lawak tok kadi,,,
Memang sempoila tok kadi nih!
Dok melawak smpai riuh rendah sekampung,,,

Bace itu & ini oleh Tok Kadi,,,
Lpas tu sesi akad nikah laa,,,
Yg lawaknye, boleh Tok Kadi ni lupe berjabat tangan dgn laki i!
Haishhhh Tok Kadi wahai tok Kadi,,,

Muke berserah ke ape nih?
Haisshhh konpius skejap...

Pegang bunge ke bunge pegang?

All the hantarans for him...
Decorations made by myself & helped from my adek + cousins,,,
13 hantarans for him included :
a) Raoul Baby Pink Blue Shirt
b) Armani Exchange Watch
c) Timberland Wallet + Belt
d) Predo Shoes
e) Blueberry Tart
f) Baby Pink Blue Polka Dots Apam
g) Strawberries + Green Apples + Oranges
h) Sireh Junjung
i) Bahulu
j)Special Fruit Cake
k) Bausch Engagement Ring
l) Bunga Rampai
m) Mont Blanc + D & G Perfumes

Ouwhh these are for me...
11 of them included :
a) Braun Buffel Handbag + Coin Purse
b) Ipad2
c) DKNY Be Delicious Perfumes
d) Black Forest Cake
e) Potpouri
f) Chocolates
g) Sireh Junjung
h) Tissot Watch
i) Grapes + Apples
j) Engagement Ring + Bracelet
k) Cheque

Muke riang sejurus bertukar status!

The banner...
I'll review more about this + invitation card + signage...

Okey peeps...
Till then...
Ini je yg sempat ditype walaupun niat nk menaip menebal...

24 October, 2011

• tRaGeDi OkToBeR •

​السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه Isnin & hye Monday u olls,,,

Kematian Marco Simoncelli smalam menyebabkan ramai org marah,,,
Sebab sia ²‎​​ beli tiket Motor GP,,,
Kekalahan MU pulak menyebabkan ramai org happy!
Sebab itulah pengorbanan MU yg sebenar!
Apepun u are the champion Simoncelli!
And MU still are the best!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

23 October, 2011

Motor GP vs UiTM

​السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه &
Hye Sunday peeps!

Yooo i telah memilih UiTM walaupun tiket Moto GP ade di tgn!
UiTM tetap di hati,,,key ²‎​​
Tahniah utk diri snirik!
Tahniah jgk pd Terengganu atas kemenangan ke atas Selangor mlm td,,,
Laki i pegi SIC!mencikkkk,,,

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

21 October, 2011

• RiNdu •

​السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه & hye peeps,,,

Teringin nak review pasal kawen,,,
Bile idea mencurah ²‎​​ dlm minda,mase pulak xsenang,,,
Bile mase terluang, idea pulak hilang ntah ke mane,,,
Jadiknye blog terbiar tanpe update,,,
Tapi i tetap nak menulis utk kenangan zaman akan dtg!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

17 October, 2011

mOnDaY bLuEsS

​السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه & hye u olls,,,
Petang smalam jmpe Wedding Planner - settlekan ape yg ptt,,,
Then trus ke IKEA utk tunaikan hajat,,,
Then ke UKM utk anta brg kt Aida,,,
Singgah mkn malam,,,
Stilll xmsk ye!hihi,,,
Sampai umh around 12,,,
Pasang brg ²‎​​ yg dihajatkan,,,
1 brg berjaye,,,
1 brg gagal,,,
Jam da kul 2am!
Rs mengantuk + penat + menyesal + geram + mcm ²‎​​ prasaan,,,
Lantas trus tdo dgn kusyuk!
Sampai rs mls kj ari ni,,,
Nyaris ²‎​​ cuti tp gagahkan diri utk bekerja,,,
Sekian, i mengantuk tahap dewa!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

16 October, 2011

• PaGi SaBtU •

Salam & hye peeps,,,

Berade di rmh kawan di hari Sabtu,,,
Ape i buat?
Kene tinggal ngn laki ke kak?hahaha,,
Mmg kene tinggal sb hubby i kerja hokey!
Ye!kj weekend ialah perkare yg i xsuke!
Xlh meronggeng!
Tapi xpelah,rezeki tueee,,,
I rela yang!
So i jejakkan kaki kr rumah classmate kt P18,,
Ape lg kalau xgossiping,,,
Eh eh eh,,,
Korang ingat tu jerk kj i?
I wt assignment yg blambak nk mampos!
Tu ah ko Aina!
Sebok sgt nk kawen!
Kelas pon ponteng last week,,,
Skang menggagau wt kj,,,
Naseb badanla ko Aina,,,
Ouwhh, da masuk minggu kedua jadik bini org,,,
Same jerk mase zaman cintan cinton cume tanggungjawab besar beb!
Masih xberkesempatan nk tunjuk skill masak memasak ngn Si Die...

p/s :entry ni lewat publish...laa ni da ari Ahad dah pon...

12 October, 2011

║ iT's OfFiCiALLy Mr & MrS ║

Salam & hye peeps....

Gonna tell u that i've changed my status now...ooppssss
Puan Aina!yooooo....;-)
Having a very beautiful life!♥
Thank you Allah!

Taken at my home sweet home at Raub, Pahang...
Dalam kegedikan bergambar, terlupe nak panggil Abah utk join same...
Sorry ye Abah...
Setelah sah bertukar status pada 01.10.11

Many many more pics will b upload soon...
So just waittttt...
Huh, mcm ade je yg nak tgk gambo engkau Aina!hahaha...
Last but not least, million thanx to all who support me especially to Mak,Abah,Aida,Deq Yah & my lovely uncles,aunties,cousins & all..
u ollsss...