السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ & hye Lovelies!
Salam Maulidur Rasul u olls,,,
Wassatiyyah Tonggak Kesatuan Ummah,,,
Wah, siap ngn tema lagi!hihi
Ape aktiviti u olls ari ni?
I smpat kms rmh sket ² then Ej ajak g settlekan kj die + g kdai mak die,,,
I ikot aje sb nak pow beliau!hahaha
Lpas pow shopping bag kt Ted Baker Bangsar Village, we olls proceed g beli groceries pulak,,,
Settle semuanye balik rmh smbung mengemas,,,
Tu je aktiviti,,,
✗ produktif lgsung!huhu
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
24 January, 2013
23 January, 2013
| WW - 1 |
Salam n hye Lovelies!
Xtau nak jot down ape,,,
Rse mcm nk cuti Jumaat nih,,,
Tapi x tau nak ke mane,,,
Puas dh mengemas rumah bagai,,,
Ohhh, mengemas HRMIS masih belom,,,
Jadiknye ayuhla update!hahaha
10 January, 2013
sTaY tUnE
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ & hye Lovelies!
Just finished my last final paper for this 6 sem,,,
الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ,,,
It was a very hectic & full of stress period in my life,,,
Being a student & at the same time as a worker, wife n mom are not a good combination actually,,,HAHAHA
I'm feel so tired, tired & tired!
But sometimes feels happy because of it!
Congrats to myself!
Hopefully I'll pass wf flying colours & stay tune for others 4 sems to complete my degree,,,
Lots of ♥ ,
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Just finished my last final paper for this 6 sem,,,
الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ,,,
It was a very hectic & full of stress period in my life,,,
Being a student & at the same time as a worker, wife n mom are not a good combination actually,,,HAHAHA
I'm feel so tired, tired & tired!
But sometimes feels happy because of it!
Congrats to myself!
Hopefully I'll pass wf flying colours & stay tune for others 4 sems to complete my degree,,,
Lots of ♥ ,
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
04 January, 2013
| aNnUaL VaCaTiOn - PeNang 2012 |
Salam & hye Lovelies!
Spt tahun ² sebelum ni, akher tahun adalah hari utk berjimba ria,,,
Sbnye Dato akan ambik annual leave every end of year,,,
But this year xlame,,,
It just only 2 weeks +,,,
Dato & family perform Umrah with his new "menantu",,,
Normally it tooks almost a month!
Ape pun, tu dah ckup utk kami² release from workload!
Tapi Ej ni last minute cuti so last minute jgkla we oll decide nak p mane,,,
So that haruslah hotel sume penuh kan?
End year pulak tuh,,,
Xpe ²,,,
We are still continue our annual leave n decided to go to Penang,,,
Actually plan asal (b4 apply cuti) nak bawak Aqid g Singapore,,,
Dah passport Aqid pon x buat so how to go there,,,-abaikan-
We go to Penang by car,,,
Senang sket sb bl ade baby, msm² brg nak bawak,,,
Kalau boleh wardrobe pon nak bwk!
Otw to Penang on Friday noon,,,
This baby boy just wake up from zzz,,,
2nd day - Saturday
Bawak Aqid area pulau,,,
Pergi bg mrase naek feri,,,
Mase ni otw nak p malantak kt Padang Kota,,,
Bdk kecik nih tidoq la plak,,,
3rd day which was da last day at Penang,,,
Went to Bukit Bendera,,,
Bratoq kemaen panjang haihh nk p bl tiket naek train,,,
Tiket kalau x silap rm8 for adult n free for children under 12y,,,
Panas smpai bsh ketiak mak nokss!
Tapi syiok naek trian nih,,
It tooks ONLY 5 minutes to the hilss compared to old train, 20 minutes,,,
See, how fast it was!
Tande dah sampai Bukit Bendera,,,
Dah habes snap pics, jalan eh naek buggy bagai, we olls tgu train nak turun,,,
Mase nih Aqid da lena dibuai mimpi,,,
Anak apak sgt kan!
Then we proceed to sightseeing Batu Ferringhi's view,,,
Disebabkan si kecik tido so x turun pon,,,
Just view in the car,,,
Nak tido kt Hard Rock Hotel x kesampaian sb fully booked,,,
Singgah kt merchandise shop sudahhh,,,
Beli t - shirt utk mak pak + keychain + fridge magnet,,,
Aqid buat² tido,,,HAHAHA,,,
Yg paling sronok i dpt jumpe x - classmate mase kt Kuantan dulu, Mazlina aka MekNa,,,
Jumpe dorg nih kt Padang Kota sb i da mlantak pasemboq sedap lg n lg,,,
MekNa with her son - Hadi Naufal, 1y 3m old,,,
Dptla borak² kejap sb we oll da nk blk Putrajaya,,,
Gerak dlm kul 7pm then sampai Putrajaya around 12pm sb byk stop kt R&R,,,
So ini shj crite criti utk percutian akhir tahun kami,,,
Nak tgu Aqid besar sket then nak bwk g tmpt mandi mande pulak,,,
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