31 December, 2009

III gOoD bYe 2009....HeLLo 2010 III

Welcome 2010!
Its time to list down the achievement in 2009 & what we dreams for in the new year..pade aku...itulah pahit manis kehidupan...klu sume achieve goal...hebatlah 2...tp mst ade jgk yg  ter 'miss'...
So...mcm2 wishlist dlm minda aku skng....begitu byk nota2 manis..nak itu..nak ini..nak semua!Aina..jgn tamak boleh x?bkn tamak tp utk melengkapkan kehidupan...

Last but not least, Happy New Year to all...

p/s : ade gd news di awl new year...alhamdulillah...

30 December, 2009


III ThE iNsPiRaTiOnS oF mE III is less writing but more pictures bcoz picture tells thousand words & I'm not a wordsmith okey...

29 December, 2009


Yeayeiiii..tarikh itu sdh sampai...25 Dec 09...our Big Annual Event a.k.a Majlis Perjumpaan Warisan Haji Sartiman....weekend yg sgt best pd aku & family...dpt jumpe keluarga besar kami...byk aktiviti yg kami lakukan...pelbagai topik dlm setiap perbualan...mcm ni la kami bl berjumpe stahun skali...aku sgt stuju acara ni diadakan..yela...kami blh eratkan hubungan & kekalkan kemesraan slain dpt kenal org baru dlm keluarga besar kami...

Ours Activities :

i) Colouring Contest

ii) Dart

iii) Music Chair

iv) Tug - of - war

v) Anyam Ketupat by Abah

vi) Tiup Balloon

vii) Kidz Football Club

viii) b4 g Tahlil...smpat lg m' snap...

Membesar sbg JOHAN!cayalah abah...

itula antara perkara yg kami lakukan...walaupun penat kami happy...erm...next year Mr ADO nk sponsor bj, kn?jgn lupe ye...colour pink okey!haha...


As i promised, dis is my story time about my family & i journey to our Big Annual Event @ Johor Darul Takzim...we go from my house & stay a nite at my chinese look Uncle Hanis...then the next day continue da journey to Pontion where is da event will held...

walaupun penat tp masih mampu nk senyum kambing...

we are cousin...

Lunch @ Asam Pedas Parit Jawa...mmg Jawalah ko!

Pantai ape ntah kt Pontian

Will be continue in the next entry k...

23 December, 2009


yeay..esok (24 Dec 09) adalah hari cuti utk aku...nk pegi jalan2..yeayea...mcm kanak2 ribena...da best moment is when we can spent time with da whole family...very precious to me...i love them very berry much!mmuahhh....YES! hati aku girang gembira menandakan aku hampir pulih...is not as simple as ABC for me to let it be...but i keep trying and the outcomes...AKU ialah AINA...

22 December, 2009

III HeArT itu HaTi III

Fikiran celaru...minda & hati xselari...jiwa kacau...

Aku menangis...kenapa aku menangis?sebab aku sedih...kenapa aku sedih?sebab aku......?????.....waaaa......Aina..stop crying please...be strong...


When something happen is not similar to what we wish for...i'm feeling that i will cry anytime...anywhere...oh God...why its happen to me? But, trust it. anything happen to us, it is a "hikmah"  inside it. Nobody knows nothing! So..don't care about them...

21 December, 2009

III DiSeMbEr ke 20 III

Yeah...sorg lagi kwn aku naik pelamin..Happy Wedding Day to my friend, ANIS a.k.a Farah Fauzana...aku pnh story morry psl die dlm entry aku last month kot...mse mule2 die inform aku psl wedding die...sob2x..sdey la plak  sb xlh nk gilos2 ngn ko lg dowh!...u r in new phase in ya life rite now...become a wife to K-ROL...hope that u can be as good as u can....Aminnn...

I luv dis!

Weh..asl muke pengantin cm2?

p/s : xsmpat nk snap pics byk2 sb family aku de kt umh ms tuh..so kne cpt blk umh...

17 December, 2009


Today is 17 of Dec 09.  2 weeks more we'll go to 2010.  I make a wish for next year...perlu ke wishlist saye tu eh?hehe...biarlah rahsia. yup..rahsia hati tiada siape yg tahu...hanya diri sendiri...

Ya..we've to be ourself...xperlu ciplak diri org laen...but we've try to make any changes that make  our life much better than before...i hope that i'll transform to the new phase in my life...to be the best among the best in every field...mY wOrK..mY sTuDy..mY ReLaTiOnShiP..mY FaMiLy..mY LiFe...InsyaAllah..

I LoVe MiNe!

p/s : entry kali ni agak kejiwangan...haha..maaf ya...

16 December, 2009

III Today's Quote III

There are three types of people in this world:
  1. those who make things happen
  2. those who watch things happen and
  3. those who wonder what happened.
We all have a choice.
You can decide which type of person you want to be. I have always chosen to be in the first group.


First of all, i would like to introduce what is AKRAB? mst korang ingat AKRAB tu ialah hubungan yg rapat, kn? FYI, AKRAB is a Rakan Pembimbing Perkhidmatan Awam...actually dulu ialah AKRAM. tp disebabkan oleh kontroversi yg melanda kerana name AKRAM tu, so Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) change the name to AKRAB...aku da ditauliahkan sbg ahli AKRAM last year. Majlis berlangsung kt PICC & ditauliahkan oleh KPPA - Tan Sri Ismail Adam.

Aku pn xtau mcm mn aku lh menjadi sebahagian dr ahli AKRAB.  maybe aku lh menjadi kaunselor suatu hari nt kot?hehe...From Science student to Personal Assistant to Counsellor?might be???but deeply from my heart, this programme is such a good motivation for myself..seriously it makes my life more comfy & motivated...

There are many activities that were planned by the real counsellor ( Cik Maemuna, Pn. Nad & Cik Mahfudzah) for us to be more strong & know baout the progress how to be motivated...tp aku jarang berkesempatan utk join atas sebab kekangan mase...but the last activities (14 Dec 09), i've join da club...pergi lawatan ke Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) utk mendengar taklimat sorg kaunselor HKL..aku lupe sp name die...di antara client2 (pesakit2) dorg ialah :

  • individu yg normal tp mempunyai masalah psikologikal (e.g: stress, kecelaruan fikiran etc..)

  • individu yg mengalami gangguan emosi & personaliti

  • mereka yg rendah keyakinan diri

  • mereka yg mempunyai sikap & pemikiran negatif

* Skizofrenia, depression and da others...mcm2 penyakit mental ni rupenye...

Teman2 seperjuangan kusyuk mendengar taklimat Tuan Haji bagaimana nk guna OP Card

Ni lah kaunselor KPKT, Pn. Nadzirah

Pic tuan punye blogger adalah sgt penting okay!

p/s : so anyone yg memerlukan nasihat/meluahkan rase hati silalah berjumpa dgn ahli2 AKRAB @ saye...hihi...
* segala penceritaan adalah dijamin kerahsiaannye..itu adalah etika dlm kaunseling okay..

15 December, 2009


Selamat sudah sorang lg sahabat aku mengakhiri zaman gadisnye...Die antara sahabat baekku..kami pernah sebilik bersama di kala keremajaan kami di Pahang..pernah merasa tinggal bersama familynye di Sungai Besi...Kami adalah sahabat...Aku gembira melihat kehidupan barunye...May Allah bless your life  and Huge Congrate both of you..
~ Fateen Fazana Jamaluddin & Faizal Jaafar ~

FnF Reception Day
Date : 13 December 2009
Venue : Sri Siantan Hall, Putrajaya

fAiZaL & fAtEeN

Their nice pelamin

Da Bride & Bridegroom

Da big day of them...

Aku & Die..

Sara & Aina waiting 4 them...

Aina & Sayeeda, say cheese...

Miss her much, Nur..not Nur Kasih ye but Nur Farizal...

p/s : Aku, Sara & Sayeeda dtg awl...so xsmpat nk beronggeng with da others..nway..miss u all much!

10 December, 2009

III NeW LeSsOn - 10 Dec 09 III

~ Saya budak baru belajar~

1st time trying to change my layout & this is i get...haha..im hearty now...
Nt free, nk try some more layout...thanx to my sifu, Puan Besar Siti Fairuz & Cik Puan Muda Sara..i luv u Sara!


WoMeN sEcReT BeDrOoM sLiPpEr

I luv to wear dis rite now...comfy & affordable...bought dis at Women Secret @ OU..pkaila bedroom slipper utk keselesaaan kaki anda!haha...falsampah yg blh diterima pakai ke?


Last Saturday, misi mencari barang2 hantaran...opsss..jgn terkejut..bkn utk aku ye...my officemate..for her engagement day 010110...carik kt Shah Alam, mase tu Metrojaya ade wt warehouse sale kt Stadium Melawati...aku hanya menjadi peneman setia beliau...yeke? Aina xgrab pape ke???huhu..Then, we go to Subang Parade utk crk perfume bcoz kt warehouse tue ntahape2ntah brandnye..xbesh langsung!...ingat nk jmpe mbr aku yg kj kt Parkson situ...malangnye bkn syif die so xde pape yg special ktrg dpt...Then we had our lunch at TCRS..lapar gler!kul 5 aku memandu pulang ke rumah utk meeting my boo plak...so weekend yg ok pd aku..jmpe kwn + Mr Boo..

2la officemate aku yg bz arrange for her engagement day..

Aku kepenatan + keseronokan xt'hingga..

Aina yg kelaparan...

Pencari barang juge kelaparan rupenye..

Sekian saje entry saye kali ini...

p/s : sila abaikan perutku yg buncit itu ye..

08 December, 2009


Friend is like PEPSi
"Ask for more....."

Friend is like NIKE
"Just do it......."

Friend is like NOKIA
"Connecting people....."

Friend is like MC Donald
"I'm Loving it....!!"
~ I Love all my friends ~

06 December, 2009

III AnUgERaH SkRiN 2009 PaRt 2 III

Ermm...Anugerah Skrin 2009 baru je berakhir. So kpd sesape yg xtgk, kt bwh ade senarai penuh pemenang ASK09 bagi setiap kategori :


  • Drama Terbaik: Tersasar di Jalanmu
  • Pelakon Lelaki Terbaik Drama: Que Haidar ( Terlerai Takbir Kasih )
  • Pelakon Wanita Terbaik Drama: Rosnah Mat Aris (Tersasar di Jalanmu)
  • Pelakon Pembantu Lelaki Terbaik Drama: Ahmad Tamimi Siregar (Tak Serupa Tapi Sama)
  • Pelakon Pembantu Wanita Terbaik Drama: Norish Ismail (Tersasar Di Jalanmu)
  • Pengarah Terbaik Drama: Erma Fatima (Tersasar di Jalanmu)
  • Lakon TV Terbaik: Erma Fatima (Tersasar Di Jalanmu)
  • Drama Rantaian Terbaik: Kekasihku Seru
  • Drama Komedi Terbaik: Datin Wan Abe
  • Videografi Terbaik: Tersasar Di Jalanmu


  • Filem Terbaik : Wayang
  • Pelakon Lelaki Terbaik Filem : Eman Manan (Wayang)
  • Pelakon Wanita Terbaik Filem : Liyana Jasmay (KAMI The Movie)
  • Pelakon Pembantu Lelaki Terbaik Filem : Zulhuzaimy (Wayang)
  • Pelakon Pembantu Wanita Terbaik Filem : Ida Nerina (Wayang)
  • Pengarah Terbaik Filem : Dr. Hatta Azad Khan (Wayang)
  • Lakon Layar Terbaik : Fariza Azlina Isahak (KAMI The Movie)


  • Rancangan Dokumentari / Majalah Terbaik : Majalah 3 “Gaza”
  • Rancangan Bual Bicara Terbaik : AC Di Sini
  • Rancangan Hiburan Terbaik : Kemuncak Sehati Berdansa 2
  • Rancangan Muzikal Terbaik: Anugerah Juara Lagu 23
  • Rancangan Realiti Terbaik : Gadis Melayu Akhir
  • Rancangan Laporan Khas / Berita Terbaik : Buletin Utama “Air Najis”


  • Anugerah Yasmin Ahmad: Jaclyn Victor

04 December, 2009

III AnUgERaH SkRiN 2009 PaRt 1 III

Saya sedang menonton Anugerah Skrin 2009 ~ Hikayat Seribu Satu Malam ~ di kala ini...da most important reason is da MC.. i luv Fafau..miss her!!!ok la..result next entry k..saya nk tengok dl yerr...papai...


This word RSVP is a french word that means 'responde seevou plei' [spelling not sure but thats how it sounds]or in english 'please respond'. (repondez s'il vous plait)

This word has been widely used and printed in invitation cards but not many understand or choose not to understand or pretend not to understand what it means.

Most oftenly the invitation card also states 'RSVP before...the date but most oftenly what happens is that either the invitees reply the last minute on the day of the function itself and expect to be given a seat or never reply at all but just turn up at the function or replied to turn up to the function but never came!

The most common one will be 'I was not well'. This is the culture in Malaysia.By doing all of the above we are showing disrespect and being inconsiderate to the host. It means that the host is not important and you can't be bothered with whatever inconviniences that will happen to her as a result of your doing.Unless you are really genuine then your conscience is clear.

AsK yOuRseLf HoW wOuLd YoU fEeL iF iT hApPeNs To yOu @ yOuR fUnCtiOn?

p/s : pls respond as soon as u can everytime u get any invitation...tq.

03 December, 2009


Hajat di hati nk window shopping jerk...tp smpat gak grab dis one kt MnG MidValley ptg smlm...
Actually ari 2 lg usha dis cardigan, tp malu2 kambing nk bl...so smlm da ade org bg green lite...tanpe rs gusar...take it!lg pun, aku mmg suke cardigan...& i luv my new one..mmuahh...

New cardigan of mine

02 December, 2009


Alololo...knp nth flu....cough...tbe2 jerk...1st time aku berjaya mkn ubt tablet..yahoo..gd girl!haha...da beso pjg br pndai mkn ubt..ah..lantakla..jnji mkn...da la stuck on jammed on Sunday..hbs lenguh2 kakiku..waa....jerit sorg2..sp yg dgr....gler byk kete babe ms tuh..3jam br sampi KL!huh..shit...