30 April, 2010

║ ToDaY iS fRiDaY 30 ApRiL ║

Just finished my last paper on 11.30am...its better than last Wed paper..alhamdullillah..walaupun xbp yakin dgn jawapan yg diberi actually..but perasaan tu xsame cm account paper...

drive lonely to Perodua Service Centre Taman Bukit Maluri...time to service My Putih...

28 April, 2010

dAy DrEaMiNg SeSsioN

Even i can't answered it properly...Friends...can u hear me? I can't answer it okey!
Seriously...i'm give up on this paper...i don't feel like this before but for this..YES I AM!
i'm not be an accountant..mmuahaha....the truth is..i'm L.A.Z.Y !!!!
tooOOOOO much okey!!!
Past is past...only a paper to answer this Friday..my last paper...hope that it can't be again and again...

Aina, can u focus on what you are doing?

26 April, 2010

iSnIn PaGi

Saya kt rumah skng...cuti..spatutnye study utk 2 paper akn dtg..tp... Ya Allah..mls sungguh rasenye...mn la mood saya? mate ni plak..mcm ade gam..asyk nk tertutup je..
pg td lpas anta housemate saya ke JPM utk lead camp...saya singgah office..bl da ade kt office..pasti ade kj yg menunggu..so saya settlekan mn yg smpat..hajat di hati nk blk cpt sb nk pnhkan ilmu di dada..tp bl sampai umh..huh....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..................

24 April, 2010

Cerita sebulan yg lalu

Tempat kejadian : Rumah Baru Sebulan
Tarikh kejadian : Sebulan yang lalu
Masa kejadian : Selepas dpt kunci rumah (sebulan yg lalu)

Kejadian pandang-lihat-cuci rumah baru ni da sebulan ye..tp still nk publish jgk..hehe...sila abaikan klu xmo lihat ye....

Eh..sp ni bk umh org?tetibe jerk...

Sekali masuk...on the right is kitchen...so..this is the kitchen cabinet

Kitchen cabinet lagi...byk sgt ke brg dapur saya?

This is master bedroom with huge-brown wardrobe..i loikeee it!

Laluan dr kitchen to living room...tetibe terselit wall colour hijau..haha..tp cumeyll gak..

 Pembantu terbaek segar dari ladang!jgn mrh ye awak...

Itu saje berita dr Precint 5..Sekian, sila lah dtg rumah ye kawan...

23 April, 2010

║ HaPpY oFfIcEdAy ║

Received a memo this morning sounds like this>>>>>>

Perkara : Mesyuarat Bahagian.......
Tarikh : 23 April 2010 (Jumaat)
Tempat : Bilik Mesyuarat...
Masa : 6.00 petang

Gler dasyat wei....nak bali..wooooooooooo..... 

p/s : tajuk entry adalah negative side okey!

22 April, 2010

║BaCk 2 nOrMaL ║

Alhamdullilah...finished Economics paper...walaupun xbp excellent jawapan yg saya berikan...hi²...2 more papers to struggle...its time to study hard..no study smart anymore...ha²....last minute preparation for student like me...terkejar ke sana ke mari...but everything is still under control....

2day ke office setelah bercuti slame 3 hari...rs cm bdk baru lak...da lame xcuti lama² cm ni..erm..but next week..lgla...the whole week im on leave okey! pg td bos tegur "eh..kamu dtg office?" wah..perli ke btl² tny 2! kalau ye pn xsuke tgk muke saya skng xperlu ckp cm 2 k...hu²...

20 April, 2010

║ OvErDoSe ║

Hye kwn²...da ade sawang² ke kt blog ni?hi²...tuan pny blog little bit bz skng..preparation for the final okey...so, wish be luck for tomorrow paper..ECONOMIC ye...28 April ACCOUNTING & 30 April PRINCIPLE MANAGEMENT...hopefully i can answer all the question given & pass with flying colours..Aminn....cyaiyok²...

p/s : msh berkesempatan utk tmn Aida ke Da Curve ptg td..he²..release tensy sket..

16 April, 2010

║ SoUp Of ThE dAy ║

Salah satu cara untuk memasak dan dalam masa yang sama mengekalkan nutrisi, vitamin dan mineral di dalam makanan adalah dengan menyediakan sup. Merebus daging dan sayuran di dalam air akan menyebabkan nutrien-nutriennya meresap ke dalam air. 
Jenis² Sup
  1. Sup Jernih dan Broth - Merupakan gabungan sayuran, daging atau pasta di dalam sup jernih ataupun broth. Broth kadangkala disediakan dengan lebih pekat dengan nasi, barli ataupun sayuran dan selalunya disediakan sebagai menu utama sesuatu hidangan.
  2. Sup Pekat dan Sup Berkrim - Diperbuat daripada stok dan dipekatkan dengan menggunakan susu atau krim, sayuran, telur, nasi, barli dan bijirin lain. Sup pekat seperti stew, selalunya dihidang sebagai menu utama di dalam satu-satu hidangan. Di dalam sup berkrim, bahan-bahannya dikisar selepas dimasak dengan menggunakan krim atau susu dan dilipat perlahan-lahan sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam sup. Maka, sup berkrim mempunyai tekstur yang halus, pekat dan berkhasiat. Berhati-hati supaya ianya tidak menjadi terlalu pekat atau menikmatinya dengan terlalu kerap!
  3. Puri - Sayuran atau sup yang berasaskan soya, tidak kira samada separa atau puri sepenuhnya. Puri juga melibatkan bahan-bahan yang dikisar selepas memasak, tetapi ianya tidaklah sepekat sup berkrim.
  4. Sup Chowder dan Bisque - Nama ‘chowder’ berasal daripada perkataan Perancis yang bermaksud sup ikan. Kini, chowder diperbuat daripada ubi kentang dan broth, susu atau krim, dan tidak mengandungi ikan atau apajua makanan laut yang lain. Bisque pula secara tradisinya adalah sup ikan, tetapi kini nama tersebut boleh membawa maksud apajua sup yang dipekatkan dengan nasi ataupun roux (sejenis agen pemekat yang diperbuat daripada tepung dan marjerin)
  5. Sup Sejuk - Selalunya disediakan dengan cara memasak dan menyejukkan sup dan dicampurkan dengan bahan-bahan mentah. Sup sejuk memerlukan lebih banyak bahan perasa daripada sup panas bagi memastikan rasanya lebih sedap ketika dinikmati.
p/s : tetibe nk jd chef unprofessional.haha...

15 April, 2010

║ SpEeD TeSt ║

Lunch time td bc blog Cik Puan Fairuz . So, dgn rajinnye tryla wt Speed test 2...dan inilah hasilnye...erm..saya xckup pantas menaip...hi²...kpd kawan² yg laen, tryla..at least blh tau ke- terror-an anda menaip...

44 perkataan
Speed test

Kamu mencapai 239 markah, jadi kamu berada di posisi 757 dari 11295 dalam senarai kedudukan

Kamu menaip 286 aksara seminit
you mendapat 44 perkataan betul dan
kamu mendapat 0 perkataan salah

14 April, 2010

║ sTuDy ..ReViSiOn..DrEaMiNg..bla..bla..& bla...║

Its time to make the last revision before the final exam...hu²...da apply cuti about seminggu lebey utk lakukan itu semua (rebus all the books & kasik saya minum air rebusan tue!)ha²...very scared but im super duper L.A.Z.Y rite now!!!
xtau nak mule yg mn dl...Economics ke...Account ke...or Management Principles?sume penting & have to make a revision...bcoz of i'm not a quick learning & understanding things...

Final exam is just around the corner

emosi msh di takuk yg lame..what happen Aina? wake up from your day-dreaming...play-play time... 
saya xmo repeat paper...saya nk hbs study cepat² as i can..InsyaAllah..kwn²..doakan saya yerr...
I'm not focus on what i'm doing...knp eh?klu blh sume bnda nk wt at da same time..CRAZY! bl buat A..eh..nk buat B la plak..tue 1 lg bad habit saya...buat kj half way...eiii...tolongla bg saya formula utk hapuskan perkara² mcm tue...saya jd xconfident sgt skng...maybe surrounding saya skng da xmcm dl..saya rase dikelilingi mate² jahat yg sentiase memerhati gerak geri saya...wah..dasyat sungguh ko Aina!
Pelik ngn org yg ade PHD nih..(bkn PhD golongan cerdik pandai 2..nie Perasaan Hasad Dengki!)...pantang tgk org senang..mulelah Si PHD tue atur strategi spy kite xsenang lenang lg cm yg die pnh nmpak..MasyaAllah...hindarkan diri anda dr perangai sebegini ye kwn² yg saya sayang...

okeyla..da byk mengarut...hope that i'll finish my revision as what i planned...

saya bace buku/buku tengok saya?

09 April, 2010

♥ bDkNaKaL♥

- When there is a will, there is a way -

08 April, 2010

║StReSs ║

I deserve to throw out this feeling but i can't!OMG...why i can't control it like before? Anyone can help me? I've to prepare for my coming final exam on 21st April...my big plan for next year...my office works & of course my daily routine...i can't do everything properly rite now... 
So today we learn about STRESS okey...to those who are not sure about it, please read clearly & understand it carefully...

║What is STRESS?║

Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand. It can be caused by both good and bad experiences. When people feel stressed by something going on around them, their bodies react by releasing chemicals into the blood. These chemicals give people more energy and strength, which can be a good thing if their stress is caused by physical danger. But this can also be a bad thing, if their stress is in response to something emotional and there is no outlet for this extra energy and strength.

║What cause STRESS?║
Many different things can cause stress -- from physical (such as fear of something dangerous) to emotional (such as worry over your family or job.) Identifying what may be causing you stress is often the first step in learning how to better deal with your stress. 

Some of the most common sources of stress are:
  • Survival Stress - You may have heard the phrase "fight or flight" before. This is a common response to danger in all people and animals. When you are afraid that someone or something may physically hurt you, your body naturally responds with a burst of energy so that you will be better able to survive the dangerous situation (fight) or escape it all together (flight). 
  • Internal Stress - Have you ever caught yourself worrying about things you can do nothing about or worrying for no reason at all? This is internal stress and it is one of the most important kinds of stress to understand and manage. Internal stress is when people make themselves stressed. This often happens when we worry about things we can't control or put ourselves in situations we know will cause us stress. Some people become addicted to the kind of hurried, tense, lifestyle that results from being under stress. They even look for stressful situations and feel stress about things that aren't stressful.
  • Environmental Stress - This is a response to things around you that cause stress, such as noise, crowding, and pressure from work or family. Identifying these environmental stresses and learning to avoid them or deal with them will help lower your stress level.
  • Fatigue and Overwork - This kind of stress builds up over a long time and can take a hard toll on your body. It can be caused by working too much or too hard at your job(s), school, or home. It can also be caused by not knowing how to manage your time well or how to take time out for rest and relaxation. This can be one of the hardest kinds of stress to avoid because many people feel this is out of their control. 
How does STRESS affect you? ║
Stress can affect both your body and your mind. People under large amounts of stress can become tired, sick, and unable to concentrate or think clearly. Sometimes, they even suffer mental breakdowns.

07 April, 2010

III Today is Tuesday III

III She sat in front of me yesterday evening and it always be her routine actually..i don't care for that...mmm..she said something about me & my lovely office mates....what she said make me down!yeah...maybe its an advise from her but for me its a warning too!! IIIso..what shoul i do is BEWARE on everything i'll do after this...susahnye jd saya..ramai yg memerhatikan gelagat saya & kwn²...hi²..prasan!

i don't know why i cry...hu²..sgt menjelikkan memalukan..like a young child!kene tegur sket, nanges!huh...
This week mmg minggu yg keciwa utk saya agaknye...dgn seseorang yg da ganggu hdp saya..&  citer smalm...huhu...xpela...saya kn kuat...he²...xperlu melatah tiap kali ape yg berlaku...
erm..da nk lunch rupenye..xpasan...ok lah.gtg..papai...

06 April, 2010


Nowadays semangat nk g keje di tahap memberangsangkan sb xperlu terbabit same dgn traffic jam lg..about 10minutes da bley sampai office..best sgt²...wake up around 6.30am...lg besh!iron bj pn pg²b4 going to office...hi²..overall smakin hari saya makin jd pemalas..ha²...

Tp ari ni mood saya telah dispoilkan with  somebody!  Dr smalam asyk kcau hdp saya...menci lorr!  mule² sms...da puas sms..call hp..smpaikan pg ni kt office..call plak office no. saya..waduh...skt jiwe saya dik non!  Erm...xfhm saya dgn org² mcm ni..i informed him that i'll call him back after i've finished all my works but...frustrated..he has disturb me all the time...sabar je la...nsbla Si Die fhm saya...then i off my hp n cabut wayar tepon office..ha²...puas hati aku!!! ksian Si Die..terpakse call org laen utk contact saya...sorry Si Die...

SMS  & Hp Call

Office Telephone