27 May, 2010

║ oFf To JaKarTa - BaNdUnG ║

Hye all...i'm off from blogging time until Monday okey..c u on Tuesday...love u guys!


26 May, 2010

║ KePaDa YaNg BeRtAnYa ║

Okeyla kwn²...kpd yg bertanya harge Tupperware Brands Product yg sy promote smalam ye...This is some of the price list..So check it out!

1. Freezer Junior (8 & get 8 for free!)
    Retail price = RM269.60
    My price = RM155

2. Handy Cool (2) 1L
    Retail price = RM59.80
    My price = RM52

3. Rectangular WaterContainer (1) 8.7L
    Retail price = RM94.20
    My price = RM85

4. Fridge Water Bottle (2) 2L
   Retail price = RM79.80
   My price = RM70

5. Eco Bottle (2 -hijau&biru) 1L
    Retail price = RM49.80
    My price = RM45
blh simpan dlm fridge or bwk ke mn²...ade strap (RM4.90)

6. Rice Dispenser (1) 10.5kg
    Retail price = RM288
    My price = RM245
   * blh byr secare ansurans bulanan ye...

7. Lunch On The Go Set (Limited Stock)
   Retail price = RM89.80
   My price = RM62

p/s : Do contact me for more...

email : aina_dsk@yahoo.com
hp no. 019 - 9697417

25 May, 2010

║ TuPpErWaRe BrAnDs ║

Hye guys & dudes,

Do u know about Tupperware product? Sesape yg da bse gune pasti tau akan kelebihan product ni kn? Design pn sgt menarik sesuai & lengkap utk seisi rumah.So, who are interested to buy this product, u can order with affordable price with me of course...hi²...Grab it now!!

Xde katalog? Gimme ya address and i'll post it to u...Kepada pembeli tegar, anda akan menerima pelbagai hadiah di samping extra %... Jom kite tgk ape yg special bulan ni okey....sila click on image utk tumbesarannye eh...

Beli 8, anda akan dapat 8 lagi dengan PERCUMA!

Fridge & Freezer...cantek tersusun dlm peti ais rumah anda...Fridge Water Bottle, Handy Cool & Rectangular Water Container

Tahukah anda penggunaan botol air mineral adalah tidak baek utk kesihatan? Jadi, gunalah Eco Bottle bg menjamin kesihatan anda sekeluarga..

Kitchen range...utk simpanan beras..minyak...kicap...salt & spice..memerap makanan anda(Season Serve)...colour merah lagi tau..ade urhm!

Ini adalah limited stock...cantek kn? ape lagi..cptla bl utk diri sendiri mahupun ank² anda...sng nk bekalkan mereka utk di bawa ke sekolah/nursery...

Ini ialah agen pencuci terbaek utk anda...Product Tupper Clean

Sila hubungi saya utk harge & discount yg diberi okey....makesure anda xketinggalan...

20 May, 2010

║ KaWeN sAnE SiNi ║

Bile mule cuti sekolah, mulelah jgk org kawen...berduyong tibaaa...♪♫♀♂....Saya pun xketinggalan..eh..eh....tp bkn saya yg kawen okey...jemputan perkahwinan dr kwn²...xtau mn yg dpt menghadirkan diri...

Ini baru permulaan skool holiday. da ade 2 jemputan...
Pn Feezah..officer baru kt office saya...
6 June 2010 - Ahad - Kajang

Kak Zai..my ex-officemate ms kt KPKT..ms tuh die still sambilan lg..but now da dpt permanent kt c2 jgk..rezeki pengantin baru!
6 June 2010 jgk - Ahad - Kelantan 

Yang ni plak Minah..mbr saya kt Asmatinaja dl..ktrg same dorm...
12 June 2010 - Sabtu - N9

Utusan Raja Sehari - R. Irafizah a.k.a Fifiey...one of my BFF kt Beseri dolu²...pnh g dh umh die kt K. Terengganu ms cuti sem...
13 June 2010 - Ahad - Kuala Terengganu

So skang saya masih lagi dlm proses berfikir yg ms ptt diberi priority..pd saya sume mereka adalah penting..yg plg penting ialah BUDGET..hi²...maklumlah bln ni perbagai perkara yg melibatkan BUDGET saya...semakin hari semakin kurang...

19 May, 2010

║ EnTrY xTaU tAjUk ║

Wah..8 days more to go to holiday! smlam tgk AirAsia. erm...cantek menarik kaw mmg debommm! tp traffic mak aii....mmg xdapek la nk booking...slagi msh single & berkemampuan nih...baek penuhi impian kn?hi²...2la antare wishlist saya dis year kt Si Die...hu²...pejalan tegar!
To all my friends yg berminat nk g mn² trip pn bley contact saya ye..mcm yg saya nk g holiday ni (Bandung) its cost ONLY RM400 - 3D 2N including transportation & accommodation..murah kannnnnnn?

Actually ari ni mood utk kerja adalah menurun sedikit...mood berada di awang²an...
ermmm...pg td saya terpakse menipu somebody yg nk bercakap ngn my boss tp my boss refuse to talk wif her...hu²...saya slaku PA mmg terpakse jd penipu sunat stiap kali  berhadapan situasi sebegini...teruk kn? tp saya xmcm 2 actually...but as a PA,  terpakse jd hipokrit kdg²...t'pakse dgr keluhan dr pelbagai pihak inside & outside.(kire i ni pendengar setia tau) ..kene tahan maki...kena pndai b'interaksi especially mcm situasi yg saya gtau td...xbley tipu bodoh²...xkn saya nk ckp ngn org 2 yg bos saya xnk ckp ngn awkla..hu²..mati aku kene cekik ngn bos!wahaha...gune kebijaksanaan yg telah dianugerahkan Allah swt....

Okeyla..da mengarut nih bl type panjang²...maklumla..i'm not a wordsmith..nt korg yg sehat langsung msk spital bcoz of bc typing saya nih...jumpe nt ya...papai

♥ AinaBdkNakal ♥

18 May, 2010

║ KeLLiEs CaStLe ║

Pas registration ari smalam, singgah jp kt Kellies Castle ni...lg pun otw je ke KL...ha² klakar...pns² pn sggup nek...konon ahli sejarahla...b'peluh habih..mn xnye..kul 12 lebih..matahari mmg hot ms tuh...

Perjalanan yg agk boring pd mulenye...snap la pics yg berkaitan...

Pose ni dlm keadaan agk pakse rela...pns seh...

Cube kembangkan bdn supaye dpt angin..wahaha...

Gaye seperti mau terbang kah?

Menuruni ank² tangge utk ke bilik seterusnye...

Klu xslp...kawasan ni la ade org slalu nmpak kelibat Kellie...yeke?

Istana yg xsiap sepenuhnye...tp seyes cantek da design...

p/s : Sila ' X'  jika rs loya okey!hi²...klu xmuntah & mau tgk lg...sila pg ke Facebook saya ..sekian sj utk entry kali ini...

♥ A.I.N.A ♥

║ Uni. Tekno. Petronas ║

Around da registration day Adeq Si Die @ UTP...cuace agk panas...cm kering kontang jerk kt sana...

Main entrance UTP

Hostel pn name minyak...metana la..propana la..

Blok hostel...mule² tgk cm kt PLKN jerk...

Si Abg hanya melihat Si Adeq psg cadar peveret colour..hi²...

Locker..besh sb besar & ade 2 mirror..tp boy gn gak ke eh?

DK 1 - tmpt register..mntg² UTP...kasik air pn..Air Mineral Mesra..ha²...

Green view di UTP...

Nice view..ade beberape tasek yg lh segarkn mate...

Pondok guard...

14 May, 2010

║ NaTiOnaL YouTh DaY ║

Dis coming weekend, ade big event kt Putrajaya | Hari Belia Negara + Jom Heboh |
Pasti jam yg sgt hebat kn? nsbla sy xmelalui jln² yg terlibat klu sy nk kura dating...hi²....anway, mcm mnarik jgk event ni...maybe akan ke sana bersama housemate & juge Aida...ape lagi...jommmmmmmmmmmm kwn²...kite menyesakkan lagi keadaan...ha²....

On Sunday, i'm off to Perak...nk anta adek Si Die di UTP...register on Monday..so, sambil menyelam minum air...hi²...xpe kn?

Susah jgk bl jd org bijak ni kn? (straight A for 10 subjects) bijak kn? Adik Si Dia la yg sy maksudkan...byk sgt offer yg die terime smpaikan xtau nk wt decision...ksian jgk ari 2...tgk muke layu jerk..ha²...tp lastly he makes his decision to UTP...Bachelor in Chemistry Engineering (honour)...die nk jd Pilot actually tp last Wed interview..failed..xpela...so offer from petronas ni jgn disia²kn...

Okeyla...will update later okey...gtg..bye²...

13 May, 2010

║ eXpReSs YoUrSeLf ║

Percayakah anda bahawa every color has a specific meaning or symbolism? Just like horoscopes, some people believe in these symbols and meanings and others do not. Samada anda percaya atau tidak, certain colors certainly do exude specific energies (red is hot, yellow is cheerful, etc) and the colors that you choose for your wedding theme can have a big impact on the overall success of your big day. Here is a closer look at what the specific meanings are behind the most popular wedding colors:

The color RED signifies passionate love: Red is the warmest color of all and is the most chosen wedding color for couples (or brides) with outgoing, confident personalities. Be careful not to overuse red or it can come across as garish and tacky. In Asian culture, red is the color of eternal joy and prosperity, and therefore red is a popular color for Chinese brides to wear on their wedding day. In Western culture, red is the color of passion and red roses symbolize passionate love, often making them a preferred choice for table arrangements and bridal bouquets.

The color BLUE signifies true, sincere love. Blue Perfect especially if you are having a tropical, exotic or beach themed wedding, blue is the coolest color of all and represents the sky, ocean and twilight. It is said that in Ancient Egypt, blue represented heaven, and since it is a calming color, blue can be wonderful and symbolic as a wedding day theme color. Blue flowers are strikingly beautiful, such as the blue iris, which symbolizes the importance of a relationship and would be a good flower in a mixed bouquet or as part of the table centerpieces at the wedding reception. (i loiikee dis colour!)

The color PINK signifies calm, joyous love. Known as a quiet and soft color, pink symbolizes universal love and is a favorite wedding color for brides everywhere. Pink carnations symbolize ‘forever remembered’ and therefore, are a sweet flower to add to a grooms boutonnière or bridal bouquet. Since pink is the result of mixing red with white, the degree of white dictates the softness or shocking shade of pink achieved. The softer tones of pink, which are most appropriate for a wedding theme color, signifies tenderness, love and acceptance.(i loiikeeee much wif dis sweet theme!)

The color WHITE signifies pure love. White is the universal color for innocence and purity - worn by brides at weddings and babies at christenings around the world. Depending on the country or culture, white has many meanings - it can mean kindness, wholeness, completion, openness or truth - all good qualities to include in a wedding ceremony. White daisies are a symbol of loyal love - white tulips, roses, calla lilies and gerbera daisies are all very popular with today’s bride. White can have a cold, stark quality so you need to be very careful with your wedding décor. Balance it out with a second color and use warmer shades of white whenever possible.

The color PURPLE signifies magical, mysterious love. It is said that purple is the color of good judgment and peace of mind - two qualities that are ideal to share with wedding guests to symbolize the couple’s love, feelings and commitment. Of course, all throughout history, purple has been considered the color of royalty and thus has been a very popular wedding theme color for hundreds of years, and remains so today. Wedding flowers in purple such as orchids, freesia, violets and forget-me-nots are a wonderful complement to a bridal bouquet or table arrangements.

The color ORANGE signifies creative, vital and warm love. Orange is truly a color of power, and is chosen as a wedding theme color by the strong and confident couple who loves life and is not afraid to share their vibrancy and energy with others. Orange has always symbolized vitality, endurance, sincerity and thoughtfulness - perfect qualities to showcase on your wedding day. Orange flowers such as daisies, sunflowers, tulips, marigolds, and hothouse roses can create a stunning floral display for table centerpiece arrangements, especially when set against crisp white linen.

The color GREEN signifies healthy and balanced love. Green In most cultures, the color green represents earth, nature, life and fertility. However, it also symbolizes balance, self-respect and overall well-being. Given its restful properties and its ability to harmonize with other colors, green is a common color choice for wedding décor and reception decorations. Since green represents change, life and growth, it is the perfect complementary wedding color, especially in floral arrangements using lush ornamental grasses, baby’s breath, green fern leaves and other greenery. Green is also a very popular color for bridesmaid dresses, with soft sage being the current shade of choice with brides in North America.

The color YELLOW signifies happy and wise love. Yellow is the color of happiness, joy and bliss. Yellow is also a color with high energy so use it sparingly as a wedding theme color. The beautiful yellow daffodil is the symbol of unequivocal love, and makes this flower a poignant wedding flower choice. Other yellow flowers such as tulips, roses, and wildflowers make wonderful flower arrangements and bouquets if you are going with a yellow color palette. For a spring or summer wedding, yellow is the perfect color choice with shades such as buttercup yellow, lemon yellow and soft corn yellow the most popular choices.
Info yang xseberape ni maybe sedikit sebanyak blh membantu b2b yg masih fikir psl their big day theme...happy wedding day to uols in advance okey! Sayamaukawen..gatai!!!!

Lots of ♥,

12 May, 2010

║ gReAt TiMe ║

Date : 8 May 2010
Location : Chamang Waterfall, Bentong

Family time again! enjoyce da pics k...no need to write much...

Aida...blm pape lg da isi prt...

my youngest sis...like to interprem herself...

Aku & adeq bongsu sebelum terjah dlm air yg sejuk tuh...

Hutan Pelajaran? erm..byk kot pelajaran yg dpt bl dtg cni..not so sure...

Penaja utama utk aktiviti kali nih...

Our Team...xramai kn family members i?
3 of us...
Still smpat posing even dlm air..hu²... 

I had a very great time wif uols! ♥ uols!!!mmuahhh....

11 May, 2010

║ ChEcK LiStEd ║

About 2 weeks more nk bercuti - rehatkan minda - berhabis duit - menggedix - cuci² mate... 
smalam berkesempatan mencurik mase (curik scare halal okey) untuk settlekan checklist seterusnya...so..Passport da ready rite now...

erm...to the leader for grouping passport, yours (both group) also ready then can get it from Eddy..please take note ya!


Namelist (my group)  on progress
Flight Ticket  28th May 7.30am KUL - CGK
Hotel  lupe lak name hotel 2 ape..hi²,,,,
Payment   full settlement on 24th April
Passport  settle on 10 May
Camera + charger (if needed)
Hp charger (of course sb hp da bengong..ari² kne charge!)
Money..money..money  xtkr lg

07 May, 2010

║ MaY - a MoNtH fOr ThEm ║

May is coming again! A month for all mothers & teachers in da world....

Happy Mothers Day to all Mak, Mama, Mummy, Ummi, Amma, Mom-to-be and so on...
Kepada kwn² blogger :- Ummi RaniaMama D&D, Mama Zikry, Ibu Syaqir, Mama DQ, Ibu Khalef, etc..(sekadar beberapa nama) 
~ Jadilah yang terbaek utk mereka! ~

Especially to My Lovely Mak, Noor Zai Hanizaren Sallehan &
to My Future MIL ( ????? ) eii..gatai!

You are so wonderful! You gimme a lot of knowledge...until now, you (both of you jgk) are so important in my daily life...
Thank you for your patience & caring
I just want to say
I You Very Much! 
both of you!hi²....

   T is for  Talented
                                                                      Terrific Teacher

Thank You for being more than a teacher..
A friend...
A guide...
An inspiration to me...

Happy Teachers Day to all teachers/lectures & terutama kpd mereka² yg pernah mencurah ilmu kpd tuan blogger di  SK (LKTP) Krau 1, Raub, SMK (P) Taman Petaling, PJ, MJSC Beseri, Perlis, POLISAS Kuantan & UiTM Shah Alam...& xlupe juge pd Mak saya!cekgu dr kecik yerr...mmuahhh²....

05 May, 2010

║ BaNdUnG tRiP : TiPs & TrIcKs ║

Hye guys, some trips & tricks to be share together....even our trip this time have our own travel guide..we have to know little bit supaya xtertipu oleh mereka² yg suke menipu....enjoy reading yeah!

Bandung is a place for some shopping therapy.(i loikeee it bebeh!) It is well documented that Bandung is a shopping haven for shopaholics. Everything is cheap there, and since our Malaysian Ringgit (RM) is on an all-time high, the Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) can made you an instant millionaire. The currency is IDR1 million= RM363.

  • Bring along your money in both currencies (IDR & RM). Some shops accept both currencies. Cash is king. Credit cards are only accepted in larger shops, and some shops have different kind of card readers which unable to read Malaysian credit cards. Tipping is a commodity everywhere in Bandung. So best to keep some IDR1,000 notes with you.
  • You will do a lot of walking (I mean a lot!) at the factory outlets. So bring on your most comfortable walking shoes. High heels? That’s spell trouble.
  • Bandung can get a bit chilly after 6pm (as low as 19 Celsius). A jacket or sweater is probably a good idea.
  • Seeing how they drive in Bandung might be a culture shock to you as everybody drive their own way in the traffic. It is definitely a good idea to leave the drivings to the driver (supir).
  • At the airport, you will have your first taste of the road peddlers, selling everything from key-chains, souvenir pens, beads, t-shirts and other stuff. If you’re not buying (yet), just ignore them and avoid any eye contact.
  • Since there’s a probability that you’ll do you shopping from early morning until night, hotel rooms would be used only for bathing and sleeping. So go for cheaper rooms.
  •  The best should be within the Factory Outlets (FO).

  • The FOs are everywhere in Bandung, so a proper transportation and tour guide definitely a must. 
  • The drivers can act as your local tour guide, as they are well-versed around Bandung, and all of them can speak and understand Bahasa Malaysia. You don’t have to converse in Bahasa Indonesia to them, as sometimes it sounds funny.
SHOPPING (originals unless stated)
  • Toko Tiga (jeans (all brands), Nike and Manchester United clothing line)).
  • Rumah Mode (fashionable FO at Jalan Setiabudi). Probably the largest Factory Outlet in Bandung. They have the so-called “Modern Bali Ethnic” interior and exterior, with restaurants like Cafe Bali, Java Bean Coffee and Rumah Makan Bumbu Desa.
  • The Heritage &; Summit (Jalan Riau). Assortment of clothes.
  • Terminal Tas (lots of wallets and handbags). Definitely not original stuff.
  • Donatello and others (Jalan Dago). They sell almost the same stuff. Original.
  • Paris van Java shopping centre. Very modern, airy (try and shop there at night), lots of shops, Carrefour, Sogo, Nike shop (IDR599,000 or RM183 for original Manchester United current jersey), Manchester United Restaurant & Bar (I watched Fulham beat ManU 2-0 there) where they have lots of ManU official merchandise (but don’t buy the jersey ’cause for IDR800,000, it’s expensive). 
  • Pasar Baru (a lot of choices for textiles and cheap too). 
  • The weather is cooler the higher you go up the mountain. But once you go near the craters, it’s hot as hell. Entering the volcanic park will cost you IDR35,000 per person.
  • The guide will bring along a few street peddlers (disguised as tour guides). They will talk and laugh with you en route to the craters. They even massage your feet in the hot spring pond (no obligation according to my guide…which translates as free massage) with volcanic mud. Once completed, they will open their bags and peddled their wares, which may consists of metal tasbih (IDR400,000!), a set of wooden pens (IDR150,000!) and/or key-chains (IDR200,000!). Definitely much more expensive than in Bandung town. Try you best to say no to them, or you may lose more than IDR500,000 to them .
  • Bandung is full of social people. Music scenes are aplenty. It seems that everybody in Bandung can sing (even it’s an old Javanese song).
  • Karaoke outlets, dangdut clubs and bars are everywhere.
  • People in Bandung is very service-oriented, especially the hotels and restaurants.
  • Try to have a ride around Bandung at night and you’ll noticed the same familiarity with KL (except KL is hot at night).
  • Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is everywhere but no McDs
  • Make sure you have enough bags to carry all your stuff.
  • Be ready to pay for excess baggage.
  • Don’t buy cigarettes at the airport, as it is expensive! Buy it earlier at Circle K convenient store (like our 7-11 over here), which is way cheaper than the roadside cigarette peddlers. Moreover, stocks at the airport might be limited.
  • If you are being approached by a kebaya clad lady at the airport offering a place to relax, best is to ignore her. She may be part of the airport staff, but she is selling a service where you have to pay IDR35,000 per person for a nice place to rest and plenty of drinks and food. She didn’t tell us beforehand, and we only knew that we had to pay when we try to leave the room. But if you don’t mind paying for a comfortable aircond resting lounge, unlimited drinks and food, then look out for the ladies in kebaya. They are normally the pretty ones and very, very friendly.
  • Airport tax is an automatic IDR75,000 per person (except infants). So, don’t throw away your excess Rupiah yet.
  • If you want to buy some souvenirs to bring home, the street peddlers have a lot to offer. Things like wooden pencils with Bandung inscriptions, home-made keychains, fridge magnets, metal praying beads (aka tasbih), Bandung t-shirts (be aware of dual qualities of t-shirts they’re selling). You can bargain with them until the cows come home, but don’t put a price on any item. Ask them first to name the lowest price. If you think it’s low enough, then name the price you’re willing to pay.
  • Don’t promise any street peddler that you will buy things from him, as he will follow you everywhere you go until you buy something from you.
  • Your driver will follow you to every FO you go and they will wait outside. You can pass your shopping bags to them for storage inside the van.
  • Enjoy the night weather in Bandung. It’s nothing like Genting Highland or Fraser Hills.
  • Make sure you drink plenty of water, as the weather could get a bit dry during daytime. Almost all of my entourage suffer from sore throats, fever and foot pains back home, but that maybe from inhaling the volcano’s sulphur smell, hiking the hills and FOs. Just don’t forget your supply of “minyak angin”, tiger balms, panadols, uphamols and whatever your fancy.
Sorry if u get bored when reading...ini adalah entry terpanjang since i'm started in blogging arena....just for info to those yg memerlukan...Happy travelling!

03 May, 2010

║ MoNdAy bLueS ║

Hye all....today is my first day back to office after a week ++ cuti...welcome back Aina..
hooooreyyy..exam da habis! Tunggu je la result nt..he²..mls nk fkr ape dah skng...
Study smart for next sem yeah...
Bile da lame bercuti - studying - relaxing....mood utk bekerja haruslah merudum...tp pagi td dpt chocs dr Cik Puan Boss..apekah?mood kembali segar...hi²...nway...thanx ya Cik Puan Boss..nyummy...nyummy...nyummy...sp nk chocs..mehla kt saya..nt saya bg tengok..eh..bg sket la.....
Actually..i am now in proses utk dptkan info about Jakarta & Bandung...so, anybody who have that or yg da ade experience pegi both place...can u share with me?thanx in advance to you guys...