29 June, 2010

║tHiS iS tHe ReAsOn║

Morning u ollss...

mase sgt mencemburui sy....
tp sy tetap nk update blog ni jgk...
biarla sp nk mrh pn...
sgt byk bnde nk story & wanna share with u ollss...
mn nk mule eh?
starting on..knp sy sgt sebok last 2 weeks okey... 
this is the reason...
lanjutan dari entry smalam ye kwn²...

Launching ASW 2020 - Bandar
Date : 24 June 2010 (Thursday)
Venue : Taman Tasik Titiwangsa, KL
VVIPs : YAB Dato' Sri Mohd. Najib Tun Abdul Razak - PM
             YABhg Tun Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid - Manager of PNB

Sekitar Pendaftaran Penerima...

With my housemate..Yatie...sdh berpunye okey..haha²..ape motif ni?

The VVIPs 
(KSU, Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon, Minister, YAB PM, Tun Ahmad Sarji & Dato' Sri Hamad Kama Piah)

Gimik launching...

Mock-up Buku pelaburan ASW 2020-Bandar..
berat seh mock up nih...gler angkat skali 4 in one time...

PM & Penerima ASW 2020 - Bandar

Pemegang dulang adalah saye...hu²...

saye lagi...

dan saya lagi..wahaha..sgt mencari publisiti!bkn saya..tp die..hahaha...

Kalau nk tambah ilmu di dada..please click the link okey... 

p/s : i masuk tv u ollsss..ha²..sgt klakar bl montot je yg banyak difokuskan...

28 June, 2010

║pRePaRaTiOn ║

Hye u ollsss..
Pergh..cm gempak je title tuh...
bkn preparation wedding..annivesary mahupun birthday celebration eh..
this is only the preparation for ASW 2020 Launching..
maklumlah..PM yg akan launch..
so...terpakselah saya & officemates berkampung almost 2 weeks kt office..
kalau boleh tido pn kt office..
masing² bl da mlm..muke slebet jerk...
so..ni antare story morry slame 2 minggu b4 launching...

1. Beberapa hari b4 majlis sebenar
Mereka dan reben dan buku pelaburan dan sengeh...

dan inuilah hasil keje tangan mereka di atas tuh...

Suasane office yg tegang..berborak pn mcm bisik² jerk..

Bl tibe time mkn...msg² ade gaye...yg bj hijau 2 EO Kanan office sy..
yg blakang 2 is my bos!jgn mrh eh boss..sy curik ms office update blog..he²...

Nasib dinner disediakan spanjang 2 weeks berkg kt office..

2. Reheasal time

Ni ms rehearsal...sblah sy adalah floor manager utk event ni..eh..yeke Mr. Afif?

Shida bersame org kuat BKB..Linda Latip..yeehaaa..Linda..anda gagah kah?

Sy adalah sgt sebok di kala gmabo ni di snap...atau sy hanya pura²?

Ini ialah MC of the day..dr RTM..Norashikin & Fathil Hidayat Ghazali...

Kami masih sempat berjimba walaupun asyik kene leteran..

Setteled rehearsal..ingatkn blh pulang ke rumah..tp inilah hasilnye...msh byk yg perlu discuss...dhla discuss kt blk & gune meja sy...dats y sy xlh update blog!ha²...

Mase ni klau xslp da dkt kul 12 am ye kwn²..mereka msh gigih wt kj...

Mase hari kejadian..next entry ye kwn²...kalau jemu or rs loya8 sila ke butang " X " di sebelah kiri atas okey...

22 June, 2010

║ FiRsT TiMe ║

Hye semua...

even busy like a bee still have enaf time to take this tag from my friend...
first time dpt tag...
so agak excited cik kak oii...ha²...
hi²..sj nk release tensy..nt bley gile ooo...

1. Thank & link the person that gave you the cow dan jgn lupa copy picture sekali:
  Dear Fatenton,
Thanx yup!

2. Bagi balik wasiat ini kepada 7 bloggers yg paling active atau 7 paling tak active
Nak bg kt sape eh?
  • Sara
  • Siti Nur Apai
  • Lily
  • Che Khams
  • FarahFatihah
  • sp lg huh....sp² la...silakan ye...
3. Bagi tau diorang ini yang diorang dapat wasiat dari orang kaya Kampung Sepening Lalat:
Korang..sila bace & jawab tag ni eh..

 4. Cerita 3 perkara apa yang anda selalu buat sambil tengok TV: 
  • Slowkn volume TV
  • Kunyah makanan
  •  Baring² lantas tertido..ha²...
 5. Bagitau 3 makanan pelik yang pernah anda makan:
Erm..wt mase ni sy xmkn lg makanan pelik...

6. Cuba bagitau berapa orang dah kawan anda kat FACEBOOK:
Plus minus  250...i know them all...

7. Favourite soalan ni, macam mana korang berjumpa spouse korang or pakwe or makwe:
 haha...tepi tangge skolah kot...

║ hAmPiR tiBe ║

Salam and hye..

wow...sgt sejuk pagi nih..
hujan lebat ms nk kuar rumah...
best kalau dpt continue tido..
tp nt rezeki xmurah plak, kn?
seharusnye sy gagah melangkah ke office dgn hati yg ikhlas...
siap b'umbrella berjalan kaki menuju ke cafeteria ngn Cik Housemate...
lenggang kangkong bayam bagai...
2 days more to go..
yeahaa..pasni xperlu berkerja keras..
perlu kj juge tp maksud sy xperlu bertungkus lumus sehingga pulang lewat malam lorr..
lpas ni da blh mandi pas blk kj..
hi²....sy da terstory bad habit sy...

21 June, 2010

║ MaRaThOn PuTrAjAyA ║

Hye blog...kwn²...

Howz ya weekend?
i've spent time wif family again!
Sabtu mlm..mak abah grk dr Raub...
semate² nk anto something utk anaknye yg baek ni..
kami (Aku & Aida) xpakse okey!
dorg yg suke dtg tgk ank² kesayangan dorg nih..hi²..
we all spatutnya blk Raub this week..
but have to change the plan..
we wanna visit makcu yg da slamt deliver baby boy again...again..and again..
xpela Makcu..xde rezeki nk dpt baby girl...
tgu i pny baby k..hu²..
So.kedatangan Mak Abah kali ini kami marathon seluruh Putrajaya..
ha²..sure ramai yg gelak besar...(";)

Kuar umh trus menuju ke Pusat Rekreasi Air kt Pullman...ade pertandingan perahu naga ke ape ntah namenye..

mereka sdg asyik melihat aksi² & gelagat peserta agknye...

alolo..sp kah yg bertuah jd model pic aku nih?

haha..tumbesaran meningkat dgn bj ni...

Lpas da boring tgk dorg men air...zasss..ke sume taman² yg ade kt Putrajaya nih...Taman Botani...Taman Warisan pertanian...taman Rimba Alam yg msh dlm pembinaan pn pegi jgk..bahaha...

Pas pnt bongkokkn diri..tap..menepek kt dendeng..nk btlkan posisi..he²...

asl muke ko cm2 Da?

Aku nk snap bunge tuh..sebok je bdk blakang tuh!

║ sLaMaT aRi AbAh ║

Wowwii....seminggu lagi da nk abs bln June..kjp btl ms berlalu pergi...
Kalau last month we r celebrated our Mom..now its turn to our Dad plak...
We ♥ you much!
You are the best dad around the world!
Happy Father's Day to You ABAH...
Moge dipanjang umur..dimurahkan rezeki..diberikan kesihatan yg sempurna..Aminn...

And..not forget,
Slamat ari Ayah utk future FIL...

18 June, 2010

║ iTs NitE aLrEaDy ║

Gud Nite..eh..blm nk tido lg...hye blog...
8.45pm rite now...
and im still at my room...not in my home sweet home but...
at my office!
OMG....how come u..
its my real life for the whole week...
da la sakit perutt...sgt okey...
mau pulang!waa.....:(

17 June, 2010

║ HaKiKaT pErNiKaHaN ║

Slamat pagi blog...salam kwn²...

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha

Ada banyak alasan manusia yang membuat dasar dari hakikat pernikahan, cuba kita lihat...dan manakah pilihan kita???
  • Jika hakikat pernikahan adalah kerana SEX, maka pasangan rajin bertengkar jika servis di kamar tidur tidak memuaskan.
  • Jika hakikat pernikahan adalah kerana HARTA, maka pasangan bakal bubar jika bangkrup.
  • Jika hakikat pernikahan adalah kerana KECANTIKAN,pasangan bakal lari jika rambut mula beruban dan muka kerepot atau badan jadi gendut.
  • Jika hakikat pernikahan adalah kerana ZURIAT, maka pasangan akan cari alasan untuk pergi jika pasangan tidak dapat memberi anak.
  • Jika hakikat pernikahan adalah kerana KEPERIBADIAN, pasangan akan lari jika orang berubah tingkah lakunya.
  • Jika hakikat pernikahan adalah kerana CINTA, hati manusia itu tidak tetap dan mudah terpikat pada hal-hal yang lebih baik, lagipula manusia yang dicintai pasti MATI / PERGI.
  • Jika hakikat pernikahan adalah kerana IBADAH kepada ALLAH, sesungguhnya ALLAH itu KEKAL dan MAHA PEMBERI HIDUP kepada makhlukNYA. Dan ALLAH mencintai hambaNYA melebihi seorang ibu mencintai bayinya. Maka tak ada alasan apapun di dunia yang dapat meretakkan rumahtangga kecuali jika pasangan mendurhakai ALLAH.

16 June, 2010

║ KaLuT RiBuT ║

Salam blog....salam kawan² blogger,

Lame xlogin..lame xupdate..lame xmenjengah ke blog kwn² tersayang...
SAYA SUPER DUPER BUSY skang kwn²...maaf ye...
ade misi yg perlu diselesaikan...
Semasa entry ni ditaip, sy br siap menaip sume name jemputan di kad jemputan & envelope....
almost 600 names + address...sgt penat kwn²....
Khamis & Jumaat last week..830pm sy br grk dr office pulang ke rmh...
Sabtu..program di Melaka...
Ahad..seharian sy di rumah merehatkan tubuh & minda(kebetulan Si Die xde)...
Smalam jam 930 pm bru balik...sgt letih...
Hari ni masih xsure jam brape akan brade di rmah... 
Harap xlambat mcm smalam lg....
kj kt rmh pn msh byk & perlu disettlekan jgk...
agak tensy...
agak xterurus hidup sy...

11 June, 2010

║SeDeY mOoD ║

Gud morning u olls,
Ptg smalam jmpe Si Die...
skejap jerk...mkn...bg brg sket...borak²...then drive back to Putrajaya...
Tetibe rs sayu sb...waaaaa....die g Langkawi until dis Sunday!
xpnh die tglkan sy ...
tp xpela..urusan kj...
tp ttp sedey wooooo.....
spatutunye sy akan b'same family dis coming weekend ke Johor m'hadiri majlis kawen sdare..
tp pakse rela hati utk join officemates ke Melaka...
ade program kami di sane...
bersame Y. Bhg. Dato' TKSU & org² miskin di sane...
wooooo..double sedey...

10 June, 2010

║ BoSs DaY ║

Slamat petang semua....

Cisss....planning xmenjadik!
Ari ni is suppose my boss birthday...
konon PA yg baek hati lg best (ayt xbley bla di c2 okey!)ni nk wt surprise...
gler awl dtg office smate² nk wt kejutan utk boss!
tp alangkah malangnye bile....
boss berade di office lbey awl dr PA beliau..hu²...
pnyla sy excited...
siap iron bj mlm td lagik not as usual..pg² br sebok nk fkr nk pkai bj mn..nk iron..crk 2dung lg...
tetibe kepelikkan berlaku bl ari jadi bos...ha²..
wt penat jerk aku bgn awl..gosok bj bagai mlm td!ha²...
xikhlas ko Aina..pttla...
eh..xla..dengan ingatan tulus ikhlas dr sy tau ..hi²...
tp xpe..boss sy ttp suke!!!
nasebla boss ade g jmpe Dato' pg²...
so sy dgn niat nk continue misi yg da gagal td dgn menyelinap msk ke dlm blk boss utk ltkkan surprise tuh...

siap malu² lagik dpt chocolate chip walnut cake! :))

sy soh bos tiup lilin & cake cutting  ceremony sket kt dpn kitorg sume..
tp bos xmo la plak..
so tukang cutting cake pny pic la yg ade..ok la dr xde kn?
Cik Puan Feroz jd mangse utk ptg kek ari jadi boss...

║ CaRdMaKiNg TiPs ║

Salam & Hye Bloggers,

Sy suke DIY ni actually. But, lack of time menyebabkan idea² utk DIY terperam dlm minda je...
the best way is terjemahkan dlm blog je la dulu kot... 
There's a lot to think about and decide when considering making your own invitations and cards. 

Which papers and materials to choose? 
What will be your overall theme?  
Where should you start?

So, today, kite share some tips utk DIY Invitation Card ye kwn²...what u need to know before we get started.
sy xla creative mn pun...xsemenggah mn pn hsl kj sy...tp mmg dr school time i ♥ to do it!biarla org nk kate burok ke hape ke..jnji sy puas hati dgn kj sy!

  • Choose your theme!
This step begins with whatever the specific event may be(engagement,wedding, baby shower, birthday.. etc..) It is also the easiest step. In most cases your party already has a theme. So of course this is the same theme you will go with for your invitation theme.

  • Choose your paper!
So many papers to choose from! Card stock, cotton stationery, decorative papersChoosing paper can be a daunting and difficult task. Nasihat sy? Shop around. Buy just 1 piece of the papers that you like the best, and then play around with them until you find what works for you. xrugi memcube kn?
  • Writing the wording!
This one doesn't always come easy. Especially for a wedding invitation!When writing the wording for your invitations just remember to make sure it is coming from the heart. Don't forget to include the most important details, like the date, time, and location, of course!kang xsmpai lak para jemputan ke majlis anda kwn²!

  • Getting the words on the paper!
For me this is a very important step to card making. There are many ways to go about this step of the process. The best way would be to use desktop publishing software. If you do not have desktop publishing software,  try making your invitation template manually!sy pun xcube lg step ni..ha²...
  • Choose a card format!
A card making basic step that will shape the entire process. Do you want this card to be the traditional open and close kind of format? What size will it be? Or do you want them to be postcard invitations?Again there are lots of choices to consider. Card making can be as creative and elaborate, or simple and easy as you want!Decide the best before u start next step...
  • The Finishing Touches!
Finishing Touches could be anywhere from taking a trip to your local copy shop for copying and cutting, adding your final embellishments and creativity, to merely slapping a stamp on it and in the mail it goes!

p/s : mampukah sy nk DIY invitation card sy nt? sekeping dua maybe la..tp klu da bratus², jenoh mak oiii....