14 October, 2010

║ dReAmInG ║

Salam & hello peeps...

How do i  feeling²  nk wt entry about wedding kali nih...
Mimpi ape nth bdk Aina ni eh...
Hoping a perfect day everlasting bliss...
Which is all well & good of course!
Saya mahu! :-)
It's once-in-a lifetime & happy occasion...
Each couple want to make their "Big Day" the one people talk about...
Yang indah² la...

The food has to be no less than perfect...
The attire tasteful & photogenic...
The settings exquisite...
The itinerary flawless...
Door gift surprisingly...
The cake multi-storey...
Video presentations crisp & emotion-evoking...
The day will going smoothly...


Okey babes & dudes...
Lets start with the thing before the "Big Day"

The act of getting married itself or nikah...
The "mas kahwin" set by the Pejabat Agama...
Da tentunya figures depends on the stature & financial standing of the family involved...
The "qualifications" of both bride & groom....
The highers they have the more they want!
Add the cost of the weeding reception(s)...
Oh yea...
Overall figures becomes more & more for most couples!
And now, yes i agree with some opinions...
Jangan kahwin jika anda xstabil dr segi kewangan! 
That's why..
many couples have had to resort to personal loans just TO GET MARRIED!
Some are lucky ade family yang turut membantu...
Tapi tidak semua kn?
So imagine nak mule new life not from zero but in debt!
Tue blm dgn hutang PTPTN, ansurans keta..sewa rumah...grocerie...credit card...
Mau xmuntah u ollss!
Salah satu punce penceraian adalah disebabkan masalah kewangan...
Anda stuju?

Bagi saya..
Kite harus lihat what the purpose of wedding?
It's not just to show off or to impress jiran tetangge & sedare mare...
Tapi kerana ALLAH...
Menghalalkan ape yg haram...
Menjalankan tanggungjawab as a wife & husband...

It's your special day...
So by all means, make it memorable...
we have to be honest dgn diri sendiri & do it within our means...
As the Malay goes, "Ukur baju di badan sendiri"
InsyaAllah akan diberkati olehNYA....

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