03 January, 2011

║ NeW yEaR mOmEnT ║

Salam & hello!!!

Wow, it's 3rd day of 2011...
Kerja ayuh!
Korg celebrate new year ktne?
Slagi title bujang, harus celebrate!HAHA...
Tempat bese, Da Curve...

Knp tiap kali new year fireworks mesti ade?
Wajib eh bnde alah ni?
Sebok lak tny!

Percubaan maen snow spray...
Habes tudung baru haku korg spray!

Korg tgk ah...
Mn xberbueh mulot!
Eh, cm mak nenek lak..
Bkn mulot yg berbueh...
Spray tu jerk...

Posing cenggini pon kne ade ke?
Suam² kuku malu² meowwww...

Secare ringkas crite new year kmai bersahabat...
Muntah klu crite satu persatu!
Nway, happy new to the year!
Welcoming 2011 with bless...
Doakan yg terBAEK wooo!!!